Greenscene Nursery, Broomedge, Warrington
Client: Mark Doubleday
Progressed a detailed planning application for the development of 1 no. self-build dwelling on land in the Green Belt. Following a previous failed Appeal for 2 no. dwellings on the same site by a third-party on Green Belt grounds, Grimster Planning successfully argued at a subsequent Appeal that the site did indeed constitute limited infill in a village and thus was appropriate development in the Green Belt. Following suggested amendments to the design of the dwelling, a planning application for a revised dwelling was approved by Warrington Borough Council in January 2023.

I’ve employed Steve's services as a planning consultant on a project to attain planning permission for my family home. Since the beginning, Steve has been honest and engaging, it almost feels like we are working together on the project although I have no experience of doing this before!
At each stage Steve has explained things in lamens terms so I can follow the process. He had a plan for tackling this Green Belt site from the start and stuck with this providing much caselaw to back his argument. Together with the architect we developed a sympathetic scheme for the site. After almost two years, following a previous failed application by a third party, we received a favourable reaction from the Planning Inspectorate and secured planning permission for a successful second application. Steve has been either face to face or on the other end of the phone at any time.
I cannot recommend Steve highly enough, not just for the result, but the methodical plan, hand-holding throughout the process and the professionalism at all times.